Coronary heart disease refers to that occurs due to narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries, causing the heart muscle to receive less or no blood at all. As a result, the heart muscle cannot function properly. If severe, it can cause myocardial infarction. Most coronary artery disease is caused by hardening of the arteries due to fat accumulation ทางเข้า ufabet on the inner walls of the arteries. As a result, the path for blood to flow through becomes narrower, blood cannot flow smoothly, and the heart muscle receives less blood than normal. In addition, it may be caused by platelets and blood clots.
What are the symptoms?
The main symptom is chest pain, especially during exertion. It improves after resting, and you will feel tightness or discomfort in the middle of your chest or leaning towards the left side. It is a deep pain and difficulty breathing. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, sweating, palpitations, and nausea, vomiting, sweating, palpitations,. In some cases, in addition to chest tightness, pain may radiate to the shoulders, arms, or neck.
Who is at risk of coronary heart disease?
The causes of coronary heart disease are usually due to several risk factors. People with multiple risk factors are more likely to have coronary heart disease than others and tend to have more severe disease than people without risk factors, including:
1. Men or women in menopause. Men are more likely to have coronary heart disease. 3-5 times more than women
2. Smoking
3. High blood fat (total cholesterol or bad LDL cholesterol)
4. Low HDL cholesterol (good)
5. High blood pressure
6. Diabetes
7. Obesity and lack of exercise
8. Having a temperamental personality, easily angry, stressed regularly
9. Having a family history of coronary heart disease
How to check to know if you have this disease?
The doctor will ask for a detailed history, examine you, check your blood, and check your ECG. An ECG while resting can help diagnose coronary artery disease. However, in cases where the coronary artery disease is slightly blocked, the ECG is usually normal, which does not provide enough information to diagnose the disease. The doctor will recommend an additional ECG during exercise called an “Exercise Stress Test”, which makes the heart work harder and requires more oxygen. When the coronary arteries are blocked and cannot carry enough blood and oxygen to the heart muscle, it will cause changes in the ECG and may cause chest pain.
Therefore, it helps in diagnosing coronary artery disease. In addition, an ECG during exercise can also help indicate the severity of coronary artery disease. And the heart’s capacity as well. In addition, there is a heart ultrasound (Echocardiogram) to see the internal structure of the heart, such as the heart valve, heart muscle, pericardium.