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Tag Archives: lifestyle

What is the difference between HDL and LDL fats?

It is further broken down into HDL and LDL fats. How are these types of cholesterol different? Let’s get to know each other. Cholesterol is a type of fat that is essential to the body. Cholesterol is a type of fat that is essential to the

Benefits of plums.

Plums are fruits in the same family as prunes, peaches or almonds. They are small fruits. Commonly found in China, Japan, the United States, and European countries food. Helps repair body cells. Plums contain vitamin C. Which has the ability to strengthen and stimulate the immune system and

Benefits of soybeans.

Soybeans are a food that is becoming more popular these days. With the trend of eating food that reduces meat less or abstain from protein from meat. Then turn to eating more protein from plants. Also known as Plant-based food. There are more plant-based foods available in the market. One

Treatment when you know you have a “migraine”

Since the world was introduced to “migraine” the medical community has continuously diagnosing and treating patients. But as is generally known, there is no medicine that can completely cure migraines. Medications used to treat migraines are generally only used to control symptoms when they occur health. By dividing

Symptoms of athlete’s foot and how to treat it yourself

Recommend methods for caring for patients with ” athlete’s foot ” in flood-prone areas. or there is flooding. This is considered a disease that people should not ignore. And should have knowledge and understanding of how to care for oneself properly. To reduce the occurrence of various serious complications. that can follow 

How to eat when you have “acid reflux”

Patients with acid reflux need to adjust their lifestyle habits. You should also adjust your eating habits. Ms. Sirikarn Naree, Nutritionist, Nutrition Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University states that acid reflux disease It is caused by a malfunction of the esophageal sphincter connected to the stomach. Unable to